Reiki originated from Japan at the turn of the 20th century by Mikao Usui. The word Reiki (pronounced ray key) can be split into two components. Rei meaning Universal and Ki (Qi Chi) meaning life force energy.
It is essentially based on the idea that an unseen ‘life force energy (prana)animates the living. It is said that when this energy is low, you are more likely to fall sick or feel sad.
Reiki is an extremely effective method of healing. Its effects are often described as relaxing, calming and helpful to alleviate stress. Just like everything in life, Reiki must be experienced so that it can be truly appreciated. When we open ourselves more and commit to beginning our healing journey, there are many wondrous gifts that we can experience which will help us let go of the fears and hesitations that hold us back.
Angelic Reiki Angelic Reiki is a safe, high frequency, multidimensional system of healing. ... This allows very high vibrational energies of Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters and Galactic Healers to work on the recipient to help release physical, ancestral, emotional and karmic imbalances across all time.
I have a tranquil treatment room in hemel Hempstead but can also come to clients homes if needed .
I always advise people to wear loose fitting clothes so you are comfortable and to have not eaten any solid foods an hr before.
You will remained fully clothed during the treatment.
I will ask you to set an intention before your healing and aslo ask you for your consent to be a channel for your healing .
Clients can lay or be seated depending on how you would feel more comfortable.
I'll place crystals in your hands and on your body as Crystal's and reiki work beautifully together.
You will then feel my hands placed in different positions on your body and will feel warmth or even a slight coldness. Reiki is a very intelligent energy and always goes to where it is needed most whether it is mental, physical and spiritual.
During the Reiki session clients may feel waves of subtle energy gently moving through their body. Others may experience heat or coolness from the my hands and perhaps even see comforting colors or visions. While these are normal responses, it is also completely common to “feel” nothing during the session, but still be left with a sense of deep relaxation, overall wellbeing and inner peace. What is important to remember is that Reiki works on all levels, so even though there might not be a physical sensation, the energy could be working on a deep emotional or spiritual level.
What to happens after your Reiki treatment.
Your first Reiki session can bring about personal change, inner balance, clarity and a spark in your intuitive guidance.
After your Reiki session, you'll feel completely relaxed and while you just relax I will do a 1 card tarot reading(if you would like me to) for you as we will be in your energy and get a message from source for you .
I advice after treatment to drink plenty of water as your body will be detoxifying cleansing process. This sometimes takes the form of tears or even a runny nose and is always a good sign as the body is finding its way back to balance and ridding itself of things that are no longer needed. Many clients choose to have follow-up sessions on a weekly or monthly basis to help them maintain a sense of wholeness and wellbeing.
It's best to rest and relax after your healing session and also it can be beneficial to keep a little diary for aittle while after and record any differences you may have in your life .
I will also email(or send via what's app) you everything that I have picked up on for you and a photo of the tarot for you to read over again .
Reiki helps and aids healing of all kinds and relieves pain and acute symptoms very quickly. It also has a positive influence on spiritual growth. Reiki can affect each person differently but it always acts wherever the receiver needs it most. Reiki works on the body as a whole, balancing the emotions and is fantastic for helping with stress and anxiety, bringing clarity to the mind and reconnecting to your true self .
Improves sleep
Eases anxiety and depression and clears your mind
Helps with pain management
Treats symptoms
Promotes deep relaxation
Releases blocks and suppressed feelings
Strengthens intuition, and enhances personal awareness
Promotes natural self-healing
Releases Toxins from the body
Strengthens the immune system
Helps with conditions such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and Dementia significantly increases mental functioning and helps all symptoms and also very beneficial to someone who is caring for someone at such a difficult time
Increases calmness
Temporarily stopping or reducing PD tremor
Enhances other forms of treatment
Wherever you are in the world you can still enjoy the powerful healing benefits of reiki.
Distance Reiki works according to an ancient principle which holds that we are all connected, as we are all made of energy and part of a larger whole.
Invoking this law during a distance Reiki session allows the practitioner to link up to the energy field of the recipient no matter where they are.
Before I start to begin sending Reiki i ask you to allow the Reiki energy to heal and to allow yourselves to receive this healing energy.
I will send you music to listen to (with headphones) lay or sit down in comfortable clothing and a blanket (if needed) close your eyes and relax and healing will start at the time we have booked your session for and lasts for 40 minutes.
After the session has finished please drink plenty of water and I will email or what's app anything that I have channelled for you , I will also fo a 1 card tarot message from your spirit guides and send that via email or what's app.
I will have a consultation with the parent/parents to see wwhat has been happening .
Children are extremely receptive to soaking up reiki's balancing energies. Young children generally do not have emotional defenses inside them that adults often do. Blockages and imbalances slow the flow of Reiki energies... and normally children's energies are less encumbered by energy blocks.
Babies and toddlers love having Reiki and soak it up like a sponge as they have no emotional blockages which can slow the flow of Reiki energies. It can help babies with colic, reflux, teething and help them to sleep better.
Reiki can help children with ADD/ADHD, learning disabilities by rebalancing the energy field. In doing so Reiki can help with reducing a child's temper tantrums, irrational fears, anxiety, depression, sleep problems, illnesses, injuries, as well as the more challenging problems that children with special needs face.
For Teenagers, Reiki can help enormously, providing relief for so many of the stresses and strains that they go through. Reiki will ease the pressures like :
Childrens sessions ro not last aslong as an adult session and they always let me know when they are finished, although teenagers can sometimes like a longer session but I always charge the same amount .